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The TIWListBox is the IntraWeb equivalent of the TListBox from VCL.

TIWListBox = class(TIWCustomControl)


property AutoHideOnMenuActivation: boolean;

Use this property to indicate if the control will be Hidden when the user activates a IWMenu on the same IW form.

property BGColor: TIWColor

Use this property to set the background color of the control.

property Confirmation: string;

Use this property to inform the browser to ask the user to confirm the operation assigned to the button's OnClick event. The text you type will be shown in the confirmation dialog showed by the browser. If the user presses OK, the code associated with the OnClick event will be execute. Has no effect for Async events.

property Editable: boolean;

Use this property to indicate if the control will be Editable or read-only.

property FocusColor: TIWColor

Use this property to set the color of the control when it has the focus.

property ItemIndex: Integer;

Use this property to read/write the index of the selected item in the Control.

property Items: TStrings;

Use this property to read/write to the list of items (strings) in the list portion of the control.

property ItemsHasValues: Boolean;

Use this property to indicate you are using a Name=Value pair in the Items property

property NonEditableAsLabel: Boolean

When this property is True and the Editable property is False, the control is rendered using a TIWLabel.

property NoSelectionText: string

Use this property to change the text that is shown when no item is selected in the Control.

property Required: Boolean

Use this property to indicate if selecting an item in the control is obligatory.

property RequiredSelection: Boolean

When this property is True, the text in the NoSelectionText property is not shown if ItemIndex is other value than -1

property Sorted: Boolean

Use this property to sort the items list alphabetically.


property OnChange;

This event is triggered when the user changes the control's content. This event forces the full page to be rendered, ie, it is a full submit event.

OnClick: TNotifyEvent;

This async event is triggered when the user clicks the Control.

OnDoubleClick: TNotifyEvent;

This async event is triggered when the user double-clicks the Control.



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